Monday, August 3, 2009


It’s been 3 issues already and I still feel the same way I do since the beginning. (Which I’m glad I dragged Ridhwan into this so I won’t be the only one in Singapore crying tears of joy. Heh.) I was gratified and still am to be part of this pool of talents, to be given the opportunity. Definitely something to be proud of, I’m thankful than ever. Issue 003 was by far the most hectic, I’m sure the franticness doesn’t plan to stop at this issue, more to come?

The Mykromag Blog will launch once again with new layout-- with Ridhwan and me as Editors.

Do check out the latest issue of MYKROMAG, now online!



  1. OK! this is fantabulous.

    I love the choice of models! my favourite--- Melodie and Jonas <3

    I like the feature on Robbie too, I still stalk his blog to see his going-ons.

    Wish Mykromag is in print :(

    BTW, the issue is still not uploaded at the website is it?

  2. LAILA!

    mykromag will go on print really really really soon!
    It already up on the site, click on the picture to preceed!

