Sunday, March 29, 2009

Break Of Pants: Full Break, Flare Cut.

Previously we discussed about the break of pants which refers to the in-seam of the crotch area,the part where your pants fall on your shoe,create a horizontal crease-like effect across the pant leg front.Or simply referring to it's length.

A bootleg or flare-cut should never be any of those two (medium and short break) but could be categorized as the full break. It gives the pant leg a deep crease along the front at the top of the shoe sole. This type of cut or break is for the taller man but not necessarily for the taller women.The proportion on a vertically-challenged women can be overcome with a higher waist,shoes with higher platform or both.

Unless you're Jean-paul, the men can't get away with wearing heels (yet). Through trial and error, the full-break pants seems odd on a men's leg. Shoes with elongated sole,pointy front and a little bit of platform at the back is much tasteful in overcoming the problem of looking sloppy. It creates an illusion that your leg can stretch for miles!

Images: Yvan, Scott, Altamira.

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